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Thursday 1 December 2016

Hello December & BLOGMAS 🌲

Thursday 1 December 2016

Hello December!

Well haven't you come along quickly. This time last year, I was trying to sort my life out at university and decide what the hell I was actually doing and now, I've got my little apartment and all cosy and happy!

But October when I first started my blog up again was a huge thing for me and my blog, it seems to only be getting better with last month, I hit 3K on Instagram and it's still growing! My bloglovin' followers have grown so much too, which is really nice and thank you guys for making my efforts seem worth it. It's nice to know that people are actually interested into the hard work that goes into my blog and I'm really starting to take it seriously.

So what's happening this month..
It's BLOGMAS! After the success that my blog had throughout October, I thought it would be a missed opportunity to not take part in blogmas. I'm going to try my hardest, but posting everyday might be a little too crazy for me as December is so so busy! But I will give it my best shot again! 

If you hadn't noticed I'm also changing my vibe of my blog and Instagram to fit with my branding and the sort of aesthetic I want to have on my blog and social media. I really hate my blog name but I can't think of anything that I really would like to change it to, so I'm guessing that will stay the same but it's nice to think that I'm continuing to grow as a blogger and find my own aesthetic and niche.

I'm also popping home to Birmingham for Christmas.. come at me Christmas markets! But I'll get to see my puppy and my family and I'm really excited for this month.

SO hello December, I'm really excited to see what this month holds!

Happy Blogmas! Don't forget to come back tomorrow for a new post!
I'm over on twitter - if you fancy a natter
and my Instagram game is on fleek right now, so check it out!

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio