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Saturday 26 November 2016

How to: Get back into blogging

Saturday 26 November 2016

Hi guys! I am back after what seemed like a never ending university coursework struggle, but I did it, I handed in and I'm sorry I've neglected my blog and twitter things for the last couple of weeks. It's been a lot of self motivation and I'm so glad to be able to blog again and not be worrying about the next thing I have to do at uni. (praise the lord.)
After doing blogtober (which I loved!) I really got back into the process of what it was like to run a blog, but more about the work that goes with promoting it and scheduling and it worked because I more than tripled my views! Which is great (hello all you lovely new followers!) I'm so thankful for the amazing stuff I was able to create and do throughout.

As someone who has on/off blogged for almost 4 years now, I'm sharing with you guys today what helped me to get back into the swing of blogging again. (regularly this time!)

So here's my little tips and tricks that I found really worked for me!

The dreaded 'bloggers block'

- We've all had this at some point and sometimes you just have to go with it, think about why you have no motivation for blogging, is it because of the content you're producing? Are you feeling a lack of creativity? What is it that is making you feel this way - it's really important to enjoy it, otherwise you won't want to create. I  had that problem because I was bored with my content and wasn't enjoying it much anymore, so I forgot about my blog and what I loved about it, so I changed it and I pushed myself. It's important to take a step back, but have a think about why you're not inspired anymore.

Try and get involved

I know it's hard sometimes to get involved in the blogging community, or even to know where to start. But even just trying that little bit harder to be more active on twitter and interacting with other bloggers, really helped. I found twitter chats to be the most helpful. It helped with my confidence, with support from other people who were doing the exact same as I was. It's nice to chat with people who are in the same boat.

Inspire yourself

Inspiration doesn't just land in front of you sometimes, you need to go and actively search for it. I'm constantly on pinterest, looking on how to make my photography better, or create better, more engaging content. I'm constantly looking for ways to increase my knowledge on social media, blogging and in turn I always end up coming up with ideas because my head is constantly finding information. I found this was the most helpful in finding the inspiration and motivation to write.

Praise yourself

It's important to praise yourself for all the successes you have throughout blogging. Even if it seems like the smallest, tiniest opportunity or maybe you hit some record views for your blog! Take a step back and praise yourself for that amazing blog post you wrote, or that event that you managed to squeeze yourself into. Blogging is tough and hard work, so pat yourself on the back every once in a while. You'll start to appreciate blogging more when you appreciate your small successes.

Have fun with it

Blogging is an outlet to express whatever the hell you want to really. So it's important to just have fun with it, don't always take it so seriously! Let your hair down a little, let some character shine through into your posts, not everyone is going to be the next Zoella, so just chill the fuck out and enjoy making sick content that people enjoy reading! Be yourself and have fun and it will feel so much better when you get that nice comment of a reader telling you how great your posts are!

I hope this helped if you're stuck in a bloggering rut!

I'm over on twitter - if you fancy a natter
and my Instagram game is strong right now so check it out!


Thanks for reading as always my lovelys!

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