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Saturday 3 December 2016

Gaining confidence in the new year

Saturday 3 December 2016

Hi I'm Emily, a small little lady who doesn't like talking to people and would rather be in her own home than the real world. I'm your usual introvert, nothing special here. But I care a lot about what people think about me, sometimes subconsciously without even realising.
I've struggled with Anxiety for at least 3 years now, it's mostly social but can become a lot bigger and more generalised if I don't stay on top of it.

One of the things I intend to deal with next year is to focus more on my confidence. It will be one of my resolutions to improve my wellbeing and make myself more confident, mainly because I will be leaving university and I want to improve my confidence in speaking for when I enter the very real and big world of work. I don't want to be scared of talking to people or asking for what I want out of life. I'm done with not being forward enough and getting what I want out of life.

It's important to know your triggers for this behaviour, maybe you're just shy or maybe you have anxious tendencies. For me it's mainly the anxious one, I often believe in my head that people won't like me, or will make fun of me, which is strange because I can't understand why my thought process works that way, it just does. I've been researching to see what it is I can do to change my thoughts and become a more confident person.

So here's what I'll be doing to combat those anxious feelings to boost my confidence in the new year.

Speak up

This is something I want to work on the most, being able to voice my opinions and thoughts surrounded by people I might not know, or people who aren't close friends. I'm often worried that people won't like what I have to say, even if they don't even know me!

People don't care as much as you think

People are so wrapped up in their own lives and thoughts, most of the time, they don't actually give a crap. That thing you just said that you thought you shouldn't or found embarrassing they're too busy thinking in their own heads to even realise. This is something I need to drill into my mind, to not worry so much about other people's thoughts.

Push for what I want

I've never really been an ambitious person, I just haven't. It takes a lot for me to pump myself up, but my boyfriend on the other hand is very much so. I find that his influence has really helped me decide what it is that I want. I often watch youtube videos and read inspiring blog posts, just to pump myself up and make my self think 'hey I can actually do this'

Make Goals

Making goals and then in turn, completing them can make you feel so accomplished but also feeling like you actually achieved something is worthwhile. If you don't set yourself goals then you won't realise how well you're actually doing. I'll be delving more into goals later this month.

Believe in myself

Sometimes I doubt just how good I can be at something. I'm capable of doing huge things I know, but it's having the belief and drive in myself to know that I can. Being more organised really contributes to having a routine and focusing more on myself and wellbeing. 

What is it that you want to focus on in the new year? Is it your confidence too?

Thanks for reading as always,
(Photo by Howard Budzynski)
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- if you fancy a natter.

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