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Saturday 24 August 2013

Toning my hair extentions

Saturday 24 August 2013

Hi guys, I get alot of asks on how I get my hair so white, silver etc so today I thought I would show you!
All the products shown, I purchased myself, and I'm not sponsored by anybody, this is just an insight into what I use and my opinion on it, regarding the toning of my hair.
If I'm not toning my hair I do use different products and I might do a post on that pretty soon!
Tonight I have work and I want to wear my extensions and curl them etc and they were feeling a bit minging if I'm honest.Im super stingy with extensions, I dont have much money and extensions are really expensive so I usually use mine until hair starts to fall out of them and they are so thin I cant wear them anymore.. whoops.
Anyway these extensions I bought from a reputable company on ebay, I checked their reviews made sure they were 100% legit. I previously bought from Lush and I found their extensions shed like there was no tomorrow, them babies did not hold back.
I do usually buy from different companies each time so I cant really recommend any, but mine are 26" and I'm happy to say they have lasted a while, they are starting to shed now, but they have kept the length.
I'm babbling.. 

Sometimes I do this in the shower but obviously I cant photograph in the shower, I do this when I have already showered or I don't have the time. So, I just get all my hair extensions together and I just plonk them in warm water to get all wet and lovely looking.. hence this wonderful photograph of my sink and some hair.

 Once I've done that, sometimes I separate the various widths of hair and do it separately for each block of hair. This IS more time consuming and takes forever, but if you are toning your hair extensions for the first time using this method I would recommend this as it has a more even outcome.
I also make sure that all the clips are closed so that they don't get caught on other bits of hair and just get really annoying, trust me, its better this way.

I use PRO:VOKE Touch of Silver shampoo. I use this if I find my hair needs an extra boosting top-up or if my hair is looking mouldy and brassy.
This stuff is bright purple but don't worry, its shampoo not dye, your hair wont turn purple.
Unless you leave it on too long on super white hair (whoops) but most of the time the longer you leave it the greyer it goes (from my experience)
I LOVE this stuff, its just fabulous. If you have super blonde hair like me its a godsend, I don't go to hair salon's or anything so its perfect if you like to colour your own hair or just want to keep your hair looking fresh in-between salon visits.
They also make a lighter version of this shampoo for everyday use which I'll include later :)

 So once we have applied it on that lovely soggy strand of hair, I just rub that stuff right in. I used a small amount on this as I find that my hair extensions turn grey SUPER easily, my real head hair isn't as silvery at the moment so I don't want a big contrast between the two. I think its better to test it out on your extensions first to kind of decide how you feel your extensions will turn. Its a bit of trial and error really, I've been doing this for a long time and I feel that every set or brand of hair extensions I have had were different.

 Okay! Sometimes I leave this on the hair for a while, give it a chance to get all silvery.
Like I said earlier though I don't really want a darker silver as my hair isn't silvery at the moment its more whitish. So you can leave it, in your bath or whatever to *poof* but I didn't so moving on!

So now I just rinse that bad boy out, your water will turn purple which is cool if your easily amused like I am.
My hair extensions just don't turn white, I think they hate me, I have tried everything I even bleached them.
So I just have to suck it up and have a silvery shade. This at the moment doesn't look silver I know, but I only wanted a subtle change as I don't want silver as it wont match my current hair :)
Also wet hair is darker than when its dry, I find when my extensions are dry they are tons lighter.

 I'm just repeating what I just did previously but I'm just washing mine all together, I cant be bothered to do them 1 by 1 and also I'll be curling them, the club I work at is dark so no-one will see if its a tiny bit patchy. Also with the small amount I used, it doesn't really effect the general coverage in my opinion.
(this is why I recommend having the clips closed when you shampoo!)

Once that is all rinsed out you can use this wonderful conditioner to condition your wonderful rapunzel locks, I love this stuff. It makes my hair so soft and just ahh. I cant even describe the beautifulness of this product.
I usually leave this in for 5 minutes and its always super soft no matter what.
My head hair gets really tangled etc when I'm out the shower and I think this helps tremendously.

For today though I'm using this Avon advance techniques colour protection mask. I'm really into Avon's hair products and I've only used this once before on my head hair and it was wonderful. My extensions are so dry and crispy I thought I'd try this out for a change. Also as I'm out tonight I dont want my hair to be flat and unbouncy, as its curly.. I found that this didn't flatten my hair or make it feel limp last time.

I've pretty much just coated all the hair in the mask, which says to leave it for 3 minutes, which I did the other day, but meh I've left it for like half an hour so far with no intention of moving.. they needed some serious moisturising.

So that's it! that's how I tone my hair. I also use this method if I'm doing my head hair in the shower. I hope you liked this little tutorial? Although this is just my way of doing it, its not necessarily the right way and it doesn't replace toners, but this really helps, especially if your on a budget like me and cant afford to constantly buy colour mixed toners.

1 comment :

Unknown said...

Do you bleach your hair ever?xx

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