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Friday 16 December 2016

The grey cosy jacket

Friday 16 December 2016

As soon as I saw this jacket in New Look's window I had to have it, I'm such a sucker for window shopping.. give me something amazing on a display and I just need it. The power of styling..
You might of seen it posted a little on my instagram, along with this scarf that I don't think I've actually taken off yet. Lucky for me, Howard is an actual photographer so we went out on one of our Sunday's when we actually see other and took some snaps.
It was really nice as I'm used to being this sort of blogger who does everything herself, for years I've just self-timed everything so it was really lovely to have some fun creating with somebody else.

Recently I've been changing my wardrobe a little. I've always been a black outfit lover, but recently I've been trying to be a little more neutral with my choice in clothing. Living in a one bed apartment means I have much more limited space, including my closet. (it's sad I know) Which is making me be more selective in my clothing purchases, to mix and match up more of my outfits.

I'm becoming a lot more minimal. I have a few statement pieces still, but I'm enjoying changing my wardrobe and I'm planning to donate a lot of my old clothes in the new year to make way for a more sophisticated wardrobe (I'm hoping)

I'm obsessed with this jacket though, it's so adorable but it's also really warm. I needed something I could throw on, without it being a heavy coat and this does the perfect job. I love mixing up some textures too, so this was a perfect addition to my changing wardrobe.

Have you got any fun cosy clothes this winter?

Thanks for reading as always,

I'm over on twitter & Instagram
- if you fancy a natter

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