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Tuesday 11 October 2016

That unproductive feeling..

Tuesday 11 October 2016

We all have those days where we just don't feel productive at all and with being at university it really counts with how you go about using your time. This week I've been struggling a little with just making myself do things like university work or just leaving the house to do things. I'm just feeling a little low lately, I had my hair done at the hairdressers and it's really not me at all, I'm not loving it and it's really effecting my self confidence and I don't really want to leave the house.

Maybe I'm feeling the strain of being comfortable on my own again seeing as I'm always at home while my boyfriends at work but I'm fed up of feeling really unproductive. This week I'll be working on a few goals to jolt myself back into productivity and not feel so lame about myself.

Sort my hair out

It's really bugging me, I had my hair done at the hairdressers but it's sort of a grey green colour and it's just really getting me down, as somebody who cares a lot about her hair, it doesn't make me feel good at all. SO I'm determined to sort that out tomorrow because I can't go on this way. Dramatic I know but I want to feel good about myself.

Get out the house and take my camera with me

I'm trying to vary my blog photography a bit and I just have loads of flatlay's and it's just making me feel crap about my blog. I think going out into the world and taking some beautiful autumn themed photos will really help me out so I don't have to worry so much. 

Make time to read before bed

I feel as though my time is being taken up by work and blogging at the moment, so I just want to take maybe an hour before bedtime to just relax and read my many books I've just purchased.

Use my time wisely

I've just neglected university work because I've been feeling so uninspired recently, I really need to kick myself up the arse and sort out some kind of schedule where I sit and do work. So I'll be planning that and reading up on a lot of scheduling posts (hehe) and hoping it will just inspire me a little.

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