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Wednesday 12 October 2016

Return of the Colours

Wednesday 12 October 2016

THEY ARE BACK. I repeat they are back! I have missed them so much.
Aside from being able to wear whatever the hell I want to, I really missed those crazy I don't give a crap what my crazy hair looks like days, and I'm happy to say that my crazy colourful hair will be staying for a little while.

This decision came after I just became fed up with 'natural' looking colours. I went black a few months ago to cover over the blue/green tone that had stained my blonde hair, I wanted a more natural colour so I could wear different clothes that would go with my hair. But after being black for quite some time I got bored of it and wanted to go grey again, little did I know I had been putting silicone in my hair from the XXL Live colour black I had been using.

Cutting it short.. (no pun intended) after trying to tone my hair multiple times, going to a hairdressers twice.. my hair was some super damaged, nasty gross green tinge colour. I was a true swamp girl. It was making me really unhappy and I didn't really want to leave the house, nothing I did worked, violet shampoo and all that stuff but what I really needed was to put warmth back into my hair.

I was patient and didn't just chuck the first colour on my head, which probably would've been black and caused more damage, which I'm so happy I did, because I had bleached and damaged my hair and it was actually blonde underneath the colour. So to limit the damage to my hair, today I put a colour remover on which removed most of the toner, and I'm back to using the vegan conditioning, non-peroxide dyes I know and love.

Although bleach london aren't my favourite hair dyes in the world, they don't last very long, which is why I'm using them in case I have a colour disaster and it doesn't work.. at least it will fade out fairly quickly. I chose orange/pink to try and neutralise the green tinge I have from putting too much ashy tones in my hair and if it works, who knows maybe it will stay!

If you've been keeping up on my instagram or twitter you'll see I've been documenting the process today on my insta story for anybody who is interested.

Now to go wash my head!

Thanks for reading as always,

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio