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Saturday 1 October 2016

Hello October!

Saturday 1 October 2016

SO this year is the first year I'm setting myself the challenge of Blogtober! yep that's right.. posting every day of October. For someone who finds it hard to post just once a week I'm hoping this will be a real challenge for me, not only to be disciplined with my writing, but also to encourage myself to write some great content and also read and be inspired by others writing too!

I'm also looking to reorganise my bloglovin' and have a little clear out and actually follow the people I enjoy reading. I've also got some more book themed posts and a few hair posts coming up, which is really exciting!

September has been so crazy, I can't believe the summer is over and I'm back to university already! Im already feeling so much more active and inspired to create and take part in things which is just so surreal for me as it's something I haven't really felt over the last few years.

So to kick things off I'll be sharing my goals for this month, which will probably feature in a few posts throughout blogtober!

Have more faith in myself

Some lady doing a survey yesterday asked me what it was I would most like to change about myself and I said I would like to have more confidence. Even though I feel so much more better mentally, I still know I have a tendency to push emily out of the way and replace her with a negative demon voice that sits on my shoulder telling me that I suck. When I know I don't! So this is something I really want to work on this month, improve my public speaking (e.g... speaking at all tehe!)

Stop comparing myself to other bloggers

I think all bloggers are guilty of this! We all have a thing where we get blog-envy. I get it ALL the time, but this month I'm going to turn that green eyed monster into a beautiful butterfly, and be happy with my unique blog. because its mine...

Read at least 2 books

I'm so awful for just picking up my laptop and procrastinating (sims and twitter I'm looking at you!) sometimes its good to put down the tech and just have abit of paper time. I've lined up some amazing books to read this month and I'm really excited to read but also blog abit more about books, because I've always been abit of a bookworm.

Be more active on instagram

This month I'm really focusing on twitter and instagram, I've been so stagnant with my following for ages, mainly because I don't put much effort into posting and generally engaging with people. So this is one of my challenges to myself this month, is to just promote my blog more and be more um.. alive on social platforms.

Stop dying my hair

Possibly my most important goal this month is to LEAVE my hair alone. Yes girl you NEED to put away that peroxide *and all the box dye crap that I'm constantly bombarding my hair with. It's sad and I need to protect it, because let's face it, I wouldn't be me without my hair. But I've treated it badly, because it seemed as though nothing would ever defeat it. But it was and I was too. So after spending a small fortune on getting it fixed, this month I'll really be looking after it, which shall be interesting.. (help)

So they're my main goals this month, I'm hoping I'll stick to them, or buy a wig. 
I am however excited for the challenge of blogtober and I'm super excited to see what everyone else comes up with! 

What's your goals for this month?

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