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Sunday 2 October 2016

OOTD // Witchcraft

Sunday 2 October 2016

'Witchcraft' - OOTD

It's second day of Blogtober and I'm still feeling pumped despite the fact I've been at work all day and I'm so tired. It's nice to challenge myself to post, otherwise I know I would never do it as other things just sort of take priority. I'm really getting into the spooky spirit, hence my music choices on twitter and the title..

Anyway! Today is a fashion post! (ooooh I hear you say) some of my most popular posts have been fashion related and it's a shame that I stopped doing them, but a shopping spree later I am equipped and I'm feeling really inspired to express myself through the means of clothing!

 that's the end of the super posey pictures and here is the 'low-down' on what I'm wearing. *Not sponsored, just wanted to share my clothes with you guys..

Yellow turtleneck top - River Island 
(I couldn't find it online :()
This is quite a thick top, and it's ribbed, but its super cosy and just perfect for the chilly weather we are starting to have and It's a great colour for Autumn!

Grey pattern scarf - New Look [Link]
Super cute scarf that pretty much goes with everything, I chose something neutral so it will fit with many outfits over the colder months 

Grey Leather Look Skirt - Primark
I bought this the other day as I needed some more skirts in my life and I love it! It goes with almost anything and it goes with my hair really well (lol) I think it was about £10 :)

Black Boots - New Look [Link]
I picked these up too last week, just a super versatile plain black ankle boot. They go with everything and they're just really comfy!

SO that's this look! You can find me over on lookbook here 

Don't forget I'm also on twitter and Instagram, Follow for updates on #blogtober

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio