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Wednesday 2 November 2016

Hello November

Wednesday 2 November 2016

I can't believe its November already and what an amazing October had for blogging, I admit blogtober was abit of a long shot for me with blogging 'every day' but I tried and I was just astonished at how much more activity I had produced and how much more engaged my followers were. My views went up and I managed to hit my goal of 3,000 followers on my Instagram account, which was amazing.

I managed to be invited to the Lush opening event in Bournemouth and met some really cool new blogger faces. My emails regarding opportunities has also increased a little, which is so great!

Not only has this past month been an amazing journey for me, but it's really made me feel a lot more confident about my tiny place in this huge blogging world, I never started blogging for the following but it is nice to see that people actually care about what you're writing and for me it was so lovely to see those views shoot up all because of the hard work that I was putting into my blog.

It was hard work, so much so that I found it actually really hard to blog everyday, to create content, create decent photographs that would sit alongside my posts. So much so, I had to skip some days to feel a little less overwhelmed and that was okay! Being blog organised is hard, but it is something that I'm looking forward to working on this month and hopefully writing about.

Being organised and motivated is something I really want to work on in November, working from home is often quite overwhelming and sometimes difficult to keep yourself from trailing off onto other things such as Sims and rubbish TV shows..  (whoops)

So this month is a work hard month, with uni deadlines approaching at the end of this month, the last thing I want is to fail this unit again so with 4 weeks to go I'm going to slam out this unit and be really pumped for my final major. Exciting but scary. Better get to work!

Thanks for reading as always!

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio