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Sunday 30 October 2016

Lush Haul 💕

Sunday 30 October 2016

Earlier this week, I posted about the Lush event that I was kindly invited to, I spoke about my experience of the amazing new shop, but I didn't show you guys what I had received and purchased at the event! I was so excited that Lush had re-opened, I could finally repurchase some of my favourites that I had run out of and I could finally feel fresh in my new fancy bathroom that I'm so proud of.

So here's what I got!
(top to bottom)

Christingle Body Conditioner*

I've never actually tried a lush body conditioner before, we got the choice between snow fairy and this Christingle one, which is more fresh and minty which is my favourite throughout winter, I'm weird and I don't like floral smells and prefer a more fresh or fruity smell. It contains peppermint oil and menthol crystals. I'm really excited to try this, I feel like it will be quite refreshing in the morning.

Sugar Plum Fairy Lip Scrub

I've been after a lip scrub for ages and after finding out that Lush's were edible, I just knew I had to get one, I'm an avid lip chewer, which doesn't make a pretty base for matte lipsticks.. You can simply lick away the excess after using, which is abit gross for some people.. but I like it, I don't mind a bit of lip skin.. especially if it smells delicious!

'Never mind the ballistics' Bath Bomb*

We got to see this bath bomb in action at the lush event and its so beautiful, colours of yellow and pink swirls and it smells incredible. I think it's limes and orange oil, so again fresh and fruity. Unfortunately I don't actually have a bathtub.. but I'll probably be featuring this in my soon-to-be giveaway.

'Don't look at me' Fresh Face mask

Zesty and lemon-y fresh face mask, yas! I love a good face mask and my favourite is usually the mask of magnaminty (my all time fave) but I decided to go with something a little different this time around, so I chose this one I love the colour of it and it was so just fresh and relaxing I just couldn't resist.

Passion Fruit Lip Balm

So I lost my lip balm the other day and I was upset so after getting the lip scrub I went and bought a nice new balm to go with it. This one is the passion fruit one and it's quite light and not very sticky and of course it smells amazing.

Goth Fairy Shimmer Bar

I'm not really a shimmer girl, but I was sold on this item mainly because it was cute (sorry bank balance) but also because it's just a nice thing to put on, on a night out. One of the staff there says she uses it on her collarbones and stuff for a night out, so I  was inspired to maybe do the same!

'Whoosh' Shower Jelly

I've never used a shower jelly, the thought of it is just abit weird really.. I haven't tried it yet, but I was intrigued to see what it's like, but it again smells really fresh and I think it will be awesome to really wake you up in the morning.

Ocean Salt Scrub

Another one of my lush favourites, I went back and bought this but I bought their new self-preserving range, which is a different formula so it wasn't as gritty and a lot more creamier than usual, its a great scrub and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend likes it more than I do...

'Outback Mate' Soap

My favourite soap of all time. Outback mate, I am just obsessed with you! You can get as little or as much cut from the soap and it's bought depending on the weight like if you were buying cheese! I love this stuff, it lasts for ages and it smells amazing! 

And I didn't actually realise how much stuff I had actually bought before I wrote this post.. whoops. But I hope you enjoyed reading about some of my all time favourites, but also some new things that I'm trying out from Lush!

Let me know your thoughts and thanks for reading as always.

All products with an asterisk* were received at the Lush event as a gift, everything else was purchased myself.

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