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Sunday 9 October 2016

SUNDAY#1 - My Week

Sunday 9 October 2016

but I've been at work all day and I'm so tired, I literally had 0 energy to even begin to think of a blog post to do today for blogtober, but hey ho, I'm going to write about my week! It's always nice to see abit of the person behind the blog and I enjoy reading what people have been up to in their daily lives.

This week's been really hectic in that blogtober is going on and for somebody that really had a schedule when it comes to blogging, it's been so good to kick things up a notch and try to hit a goal of posting everyday for a month. But besides being caught up in blogging I've also been going to university and work on the weekends, so it's so manic at the moment, but I'm sure that I'll eventually settle into some kind of schedule. But this was my week!

The Stable 

(top left photo) So me and Howard and a couple of our friends went to visit a new restaurant that opened up in Bournemouth. It serves pizza and pies and a huge selection of ciders, so Howie was totally in his element. I went for the ol' pie choice which was delicious. Such a lovely evening but I couldn't get too tipsy as I had work the next day (oops)

The sunrise at the beach

I get to see this amazing view on the weekends because I'm lucky enough to live by the seaside, it's so beautiful and this morning it completely took my breath away. I love the autumn season so much because you get to look at this view but still have that slight brisk chill in the air.

University Project

So university has kicked off and I've having to get back into the swing of things despite being away for a year, it's all abit strange and it hurts my brain trying to put a decent enough concept together for a project. Also trying to stay focused and not start wandering into social media is pretty challenging surprisingly. 


I got the lovely surprise of being delivered starbucks in bed, which was awesome and super cute <3

Our new flat

So our flat is slowly and finally coming together, we have a few bits and pieces to finish off, such as a lamp and blinds and all that boring adult stuff, but there's just something satisfying about finally living in our place. 

A new Book

Reading ember in the ashes was my favourite book last year, so as soon as I found out the sequel was finally released I ordered it and hooray! It arrived and it's just so beautiful I can't wait to start it!

That's just a little insight into my week this week, I'm hoping to do this every Sunday, it's abit more relaxing after work and it's nice to show you guys what I've been up to!

How's your week been? Let me know in the comments :)

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