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Saturday 8 October 2016

I READ // All The Bright Places

Saturday 8 October 2016

YAS. I finally did it, I finally completed this book. It was a hard one & I was really disappointed with it as I thought I would really enjoy it. I've tried to make this review thing as unspoiler-y as possible as not to ruin the whole complete book for people still reading, just my thoughts on the overall book and story :)

So the story is basically boy meets girl. I really really struggled reading this book, like seriously. I just I don't know I just couldn't really get into it, it all felt a little naive and not really well structured at all. I didn't really understand most of it, like why they were doing certain things or just in certain places, in all honesty it just felt abit rushed and pointless.. it didn't really have any plot to it all and I felt like you were just aimlessly following this couple around while they did boring AF activities.

I also feel like the book almost romanticises unhealthy mental health, I get that the end of the book it's about preventing suicide and stuff but why create a "love story" about it. It's sort of trying to be fault in our stars and paper towns almost mixed together. Paper towns is in my opinion is such a boring book and why you would want to combine the two just makes this huge chunk in the middle of the book a total yawnfest.

I really wanted to enjoy this book, I really did, but after struggling the entire way through it and only getting an emotional feeling towards the end, I thought this book fell short if I'm I'm honest. I did try :(  I don't want to delve too deeply because I don't want to spoil it if you are reading this book.

I'd give this book maybe 2/5 I will probably never pick it up again and it's probably going to sit gathering dust on my bookshelf... (sorry not sorry)

What were your thoughts on the book? Or are you still reading it? :)

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