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Thursday 13 October 2016

OOTD // Take me to your leader 👽

Thursday 13 October 2016

Hi Gang!
So today's blog post is another lookbook hooray! I'm really loving these new fashion-y posts, and I've got so much good feedback from them, I even got reposted by lookbook on their instagram and twitter to over a million followers which was amazing! so hey ho, I'll continue making them. Today I was feeling really space girl vibes and I just decided to wear grey, because WHY NOT.

My makeup was also super sparkly, but I couldn't really get a decent shot that I don't look like some rave mess haha

SO here's the lowdown on my outfit! Which is surprisingly cheap AF.

All these items the top, skirt and tights are all from PRIMARK. Yep.
And the boots are from New look!

My hair is now this beautiful pinky peach colour which I am LOVING. However its not really going along with my cold blue theme I've got going on haha, blogger problems.

I think this was the shortest post I've ever done (sorry) but yeah they're all mostly primark except for the boots. I Love this look, it just screams autumn for me. What do you think?

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio