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Monday 3 October 2016

How NOT to dye your hair

Monday 3 October 2016

How not to dye your hair, a post I thought I would never write.. but look at where we are. It's not really a surprise I can hear most of you saying.. How long could this crazy woman go about dying her hair left right and centre. Well my friends, the time has come where I have and sadly admit that I have quite frankly fucked up my hair.

It all started when I went to university, I had previously rebelliously dyed my hair bright pink, but sixth form made me change it so I never really experimented with my hair apart from the odd toner here and there as I was always a blonde, naturally and dyed. So it was bound to happen, the moment I was set free from the chains of parents I went a little mental.

Blue, green, pink, pink and yellow, orange, red, purple I'm pretty sure you could name a colour and I've probably been there. I think it all comes down to the fact I'm pretty proud of my hair, so it always has to look on fleek, or it makes me all irritated and sad. So I was constantly topping up my hair.
The crazy bright colours were ok because they don't contain peroxide, its just vegetable dyes which was great for my hair and it would soak it all up and be all delicious.  But I used to change my mind and get bored and try a new idea.

The pain started when I decided to take a chill pill from my insane colours. (*I was blonde over Christmas and I stupidly decided to go back to crazy colours because I'm an idiot so I had to fix it)

I've always bleached my hair, it's been through a lot with me (strokes hair lovingly) but I wanted to go a natural colour because I got really annoyed with not being able to wear certain colours (burgundy I'm looking at you) and it was just so frustrating to see all these cute autumn outfits and I was constantly stuck with a black wardrobe because my hair changed so much.

So after trying to bleach the crap out of my hair and go blonde it was stuck green. GREEN. Experience has taught me that blue/green shades just don't come out of my hair. No matter what. Ketchup, toners, I've been on holiday for 2 weeks in Turkey.. super hot, super chloriney and it still never came out.

So I went black.
and I got bored.
and I wanted grey hair.
it went green,
and I spent a small fortune trying to get it fixed at a hairdressers.

So here I am.
a stupid girl with a frizzy damaged mess.
and here's my lesson from this story..

Please don't use box dyes on your hair.
They are full of crap. Because customers have such different hair they have to ramp up the peroxide so it will lift and may people don't need such a strong amount on their hair. I also found out that some box dyes are also full of SILICONE. This is so it stays looking nicer for longer, less fade etc, but guess what, that crap is PLASTIC. SO whenever you use heat, straighteners etc, that gross stuff is melting into your hair. yep.

MELTED PLASTIC HAIR. which a lot of hair removers can't get out.

So please please look after your hair, and be careful when changing colours. Use professional colours when you're dealing with bleach and/or peroxide and if you have any doubts or you know you probably can't fix it, then do a me and hold your hands up, admit defeat and go see a pro ;)

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