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Friday 14 October 2016

October Wardrobe Wishlist 🎃

Friday 14 October 2016

Its already day 14 of blogtober! I can't believe that I've actually achieved it so far, going from 0 to blogging everyday I feel so much more happier with the progress I'm making. Im also enjoying it so much more now, its always so lovely to feel like you're achieving your goals.

This post is a little 'wardrobe' Wishlist for October, I've been swooning over these items and although there's not a lot of them, I'm very selective haha, besides the fact I think I'm actually addicted to homeware...

Pom Pom Headband - Missguided/ASOS

I love love this, anything to make my hair super cute I am all over it. Perfect for the spooky season, I do however love misguided, but hate their delivery service, so I always buy their stuff through Asos. Never had any trouble with Asos, so excited to buy these. (link)

Kitty Pumps! - ASOS

How super cute are these! I am such a shoe lover, anything quirky and I'm like yes girl I need those. Hence why I have way too many shoes, but they are adorable, perfect for the spooky fest coming up and I am probably going to buy these straight after writing this post! (link)


Not really sure how or why I didn't find this brand sooner, but I love most of their pins. I made an order a few weeks ago and waiting as one of them was out of stock, but should be arriving soon! But these 2 pins are on my next 'to-get' list, they're cute and spooky.. what's not to like? (link)

That outfit - ASOS

You're probably thinking what the hell is this heading but look at that outfit, YAS!  It doesn't need any other explanation really.. It's right up my street, with that cute blouse and loose fitted trousers. Just gimme it, Give it to me! (link)

Pink Beanie - River Island

Now my hair's a cute orangey peachy pink I'm on the look for cute items to match for the winter, I really like this hat and I'm having a cute pom pom phase.. so thumbs up for me! (link)

I'm sure I'll do a homeware edition soon, I'm trying to cut back my spending so it just makes me sad making wish lists! (whoops)

What are you lusting over this autumn? Leave a comment with your links!

Thanks for reading as always x

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