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Thursday 6 October 2016

OOTD // Letters To Ghosts

Thursday 6 October 2016

Hi guys!
Im really excited to play the sims right now because I can relax a little as I get Friday's off uni so I can chill out and just prep for work this weekend.

Today's blogtober post (number 6) is another fashion post, Hoozah! This is one of my favourite jumpers for autumn and its so comfortable and cosy, I know I will be wearing this non stop throughout winter!

So here is what I am wearing!

Block grey jumper - River Island (link)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this jumper, I bought it while student discount was on so I could get 20% (wood woop!) it really gives me crazy 60's vibes, with the whole high turtle neck going on, then this big square kind of shape to it. This looks awesome with a skirt or jeans. LOVE.

Faux leather grey skirt - Primark

I realised the other day I had like no skirts, let alone a leather-style one. The last one I had I tried on the other day and it didn't fit over my butt (oops) so I went abit skirt crazy in primark. This was like £7 I think, just super simple, versatile and goes with pretty much anything.

Suede knee high boots - Faith (I think)

I'm pretty sure I bought these boots a couple years ago from faith in Debenhams.. they were on sale and I wear them every winter, so comfy and again just goes with everything. Perfect for the colder weather.

So that's another look from me!
Don't forget I'm over on Lookbook, Twitter and Instagram :)

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio