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Sunday 16 October 2016

Being realistic with yourself

Sunday 16 October 2016

Yesterday if you noticed I didn't post a post.. even though I'm doing blogtober. I was going to stay in and blog while my boyfriend and his friends went outing had fun, I had work the next morning so I thought it would be right to just stay in and cosy up.

But our friend came over and we were having a laugh and it was really fun and I can't remember the last time I was truly social. Being at uni and working and not seeing my boyfriend as much has really taken it's toll on me the last few weeks, I've been bored and honestly, I've been rather lonely lately.

I've been really focusing on my blog and trying to improve all my social channels and content and it's gotten some really amazing results but I don't really know if I can actually say I'm happy with my day to day life at the moment. You may of seen a few posts recently about just trying to better myself and be more proactive and I haven't really been focusing on that much.

This week I'm aiming to be more realistic with myself, set myself achievable targets, wether that be creating a post that helps me go out of the house or schedule time away from my blog to really focus on my university work.

One thing I have learnt over these last few weeks is my time management and just general planning and organisation and how I can go about changing this for the better.

It's exciting but it's also a step in the right direction, it's finding the balance between not putting all my eggs in one basket but also succeeding in lots of different things, uni, my life, blogging, finding a way that I can improve and enjoy all things instead of just one.

So I didn't post yesterday because I was out when I probably should've been in but I had fun and it just made me realise how much I had ignored everything else around me. I still want to take part in blogtober but I need to be more organised and not scared to do things.

Tomorrow I'll be creating a new schedule. A schedule for me. Let's see what happens!

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio