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Tuesday 4 October 2016

October Reading List

Tuesday 4 October 2016

I love books, ever since I was a little girl my mom used to take me to the library every week and I would take out the maximum amount of books I was allowed and 2 days later I had probably finished them all. I just loved loved reading. This was obviously before the internet was a thing and took over everyones lives. Its so easy to just chuck on your laptop and endlessly browse the web. I think I spent 2 hours on youtube today just watching complete crap (haha)

So recently I've done abit of a book haul, although I don't need more books but I'm hoping it will spark the bookworm in me again.

Im still trying to finish "all the bright places", which I think is just abit naff, I'm so bored of it, but I'm just going to have to power through, because I love to finish a book anyway.

But here's my reading list for October..

Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

So yeah, I feel abit embarrassed that I haven't actually read this book yet but my boyfriend keeps pestering me to read it because I refuse to watch the film, before I've read the book, it just ruins it in my opinion. So this is probably first on the list, mainly because if I don't I won't hear the end of it!

The Marble Collector - Cecelia Ahern

Cecelia is probably one of my favourite authors, I finished 'the year I met you' a few months ago now and it was such a lovely read. I love how her characters have a sort of life progression to them which is really beautiful and sort of uplifting. I saw another blogger who picked up her latest book, which I'm yet to get but really enjoyed the last book I read, so I bought it and I'm possibly the most excited about this one.

The Girl on the Train - Paula Hawkins 

Another read before seeing the film book, I've seen this floating about the blogging community and it looks really exciting. I don't think its my usual book kind of type, but I've said that with quite a few books before so I'll give it a chance and see how it goes.

So they're my book goals for October, how exciting. I'm hoping to get abit more involved in books again and combining them with blogging. I've started taking part in a lot more twitter chats so I'm hoping it will keep me inspired! 

What are you reading this month and what keeps you motivated to read?

You can keep up with my reading progress over on goodreads! Here

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