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Monday 24 October 2016

Lush Bournemouth Opening Event

Monday 24 October 2016

When I found out about this event I knew I just had to go! Lush is so close to where I live now and it's been closed for refurbishment for what seems like FOREVER, like seriously.. Forever. I've missed those beautiful smells down the street coming out of their doors and windows, that smell that distinctively says LUSH. I missed popping into the store and buying that new fresh face mask or my beloved outback soap that my shower has been missing for the last few months. So of course I had to go to this event.

Honestly, I thought it was going to be a little bloggers event, I didn't really know what to expect, but upon arriving there was a brass band outside and little railings and just loads to do and see it was all very exciting, but also quite nerve-wracking too! It was a full PR opening event which was so so awesome and I felt so privileged to of received an invite.

All of the scaffolding and paper boards were now down so we could see the beautiful shop underneath, unfortunately I was too excited by everything and forgot to take a good picture of the outside of the shop, but you should go see it for yourself, its beautiful!

When we got into the store we received little (plack cards?!) with our names on which was cool and then we received champagne, it was so surreal I felt like such a VIP (haha) it was abit chaotic as there were loads of people inside checking out the new shop, So trying to take photos for the blog was abit crazy with photographers, bloggers, PR people all trying to do the same thing so angles were really not an option!

As you enter the shop now there is an entire section just dedicated to Bath bombs, bath fizzy things and just about anything to do with taking a bath. There's so many beautiful designs and colours and this new amazing mural on the wall which was my favourite part about the whole shop. So bright and vibrant it really attracts your attention straight away. It's so nice I can't even remember what it was like beforehand, the visual merchandising team did an amazing job with this store its beautiful!

Unfortunately I don't have a bath so I can't try out any of their bath bombs, unless I go visit my parent's or something. I can't even try this cute little Christmas penguin! ^ Look at it! So cute.

So I am sad about the fact I can't experience the true amazement of Lush's bath bombs anymore, but I can however use a lot of their other products, so I was mainly interested in everything else than the bath bombs. And lucky for me, they have a whole section dedicated to SHOWERS EVERYWHERE!

Just look at that HUGE-MONGUS snow fairy bottle, its massive! At a crazy 1kg its so big it just made me giggle, now snow fairy lovers everywhere can enjoy this ridiculously sized bottle of it. But hooray for showers! I'm more into the soap's instead of the shower gels, but I'm willing to possibly try one as the soap I usually get can be quite fiddley and annoying sometimes, e.g. falling all over the place.

I did get a lot of new stuff that I'm really excited to show with you guys, but I'll be doing a little haul post this week, I just love the new shop, it's amazingly laid out, it has wheelchair access now and all the staff are as friendly as ever. It's got such a nicer feel to it and I can't wait to spend my money in there!

I had such a lovely time at the event too, I met some amazingly fun bloggers in my local area that I previously didn't know about which was awesome, we drank some of the funky cocktails LUSH put out for everyone, took part in some activities making some products and just had a good chinwag and listened to the brass band. An amazing evening and I was so blessed to have the opportunity.

If you haven't yet seen it go see the new revamped LUSH store in Bournemouth, it's all finished and its looking as beautiful as ever.
Thanks for reading as always,

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio