
Thursday, 20 October 2016

Changing your Instagram habits

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Sorry about my lack of post yesterday, I think blogtober just got the better of me and I was feeling so down in the dumps, writing any piece of content was not on my priority list if I'm honest. I was just so uninspired the last thing you want to do is create some half arsed content that's probably going to be awful haha.

But I'm back today hooray! And today I'm going to talk about changing your instagram habits! We've all been there, wether you've neglected your feed by not being active, or having so many different lighting styles and craziness, its time to calm it down. Or maybe you're all cool with your insta and you just want to have a nosy that's grool too ;)

If you noticed recently I've stepped my insta game up, I've actually been attempting to hit my target of 3k followers as I've been stuck on 2500 for what seems forever and I like to measure my success by statistics. It's cool if you don't like to do it that way.. but that's what I'm measuring my efforts by, I'm used to it and it's my thing.

These are the thing I changed and what's getting me the best results!

Sticking to more of a 'theme'

I'm not as strict as a lot of other instagrammers can be, but I do like my photos to be bright and light. I try to use the same filter which is S1 on VSCO ..I don't do the whole colour scheme thing that a lot of others do, just because I find it more realistic to stick to my way (hehe) I find it quite hard and I admire anyone who can do this! just how??

Using appropriate hashtags

I use quite a blogg-ery vibe of hashtags on my photos, but with some internet googling you can find lists upon lists of various hashtags. There's also a website dedicated to finding the most popular hashtags affiliated with your search tag. I tend to put some bullet points and put my tags in a comment rather than on the photo itself, I think it looks less messy and you can put a few more tags that way!

Connect, connect, connect.

How will people know you exist if you're a ghost? The trick to this is follow people you like and just engage with their content, let them know if you love that dress they're wearing, or the way their home is decorated. Genuine comments are interesting, I know I always click on someones profile if they leave a nice or interesting comment.  

Engage, Engage, Engage.

aha! The opposite of the previous tip, again it's all about people being active. Engage with your followers, let them know they appreciate you, answer their questions, make them feel like an actual.. follower!
The more you are likely to engage with your following the more likely they are to actually write a comment, this is a huge stat of mine that has dramatically increased since I've been more active. I'm getting 100% times more engagement than I previously was. It keeps it exciting, and who wants to be posting to a bunch of ghosts? Not me..

Be Active in Posting

I'm currently aiming to be posting on Instagram about twice a day. I'm preparing and as sad as it is, making time to take a nice picture of my morning tea, or chilling on the sofa. People love to know what you're up to and it's an easy way to create content. It's nice to take photos on a better quality camera if you have one, and stock those up for random pics when you're too busy!

Take advantage of 'stories'

When stories first came out I was like.. yawn, it's another snapchat without cool filters great thanks, insta. But Now I am just obsessed, it's all my favourite people I'm following giving us little snaps into their lives and although I loved snapchat, it's so nice to have it all in one place. Recently I've been taking advantage of the stories option, using it to document my hair 'story' of me recently dying my hair and I was surprised to see that 500+ people were engaged in the whole story, which is a lovely thought. I think stories will continue to grow and we will see a lot more from them.

So that's what I'm doing at the moment for my insta, if you've got any questions tweet me or leave a comment, or let me know what you're doing to change your insta! 

Thanks for reading as always,

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Emily Atelier + BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio