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Monday 17 October 2016

5 bloggers I am loving right now

Monday 17 October 2016

I'm not really sure how I feel about my head in this picture, I need to dye my hair so there's that but I want to play the sims tonight.. so Im'ma just let that slide before my blog perfectionism eats me away.. so let's just ignore that right now haha

Today I'm going to be sharing my favourite bloggers right now, bloggers that I am LOVING. Since I've started writing again I've also started reading more which has been really fun but also quite inspiring at the same time, so why not share the love and show my favourites. All the name's are linked by the way so you can have a little nosy :)


I really love Arora's content because I always can just seem to relate, all of her posts I'm just like yep, totally feel you girl and that's some of my favourite things to read. AND She's from Bournemouth, hooray! Her content is perfect for reading in bed thinking what am I doing with my life.. really beautiful posts and a pleasure to read.


You know when you're just obsessed with another person's life? I get that with Rosie.. in a totally 100% not creepy way I promise, but in a real follower kind of way. I love seeing what she's up to as her life is full of adventures, her super cute dog and other lifestyle posts that I always look forward to seeing, I love her local dorset style and it's just breath of fresh air.


I always find myself clicking Charlotte's posts on twitter, either her buffer schedule is on fleek or I just really enjoy her content. Her blog is so pretty is makes me all happy everytime I'm on it! She's writing some really good posts at the moment so you should go check her out :)


Probably my FAVE blogger right now, Katy is killing' it gurl. I'm surprised that she doesn't have a bigger following because her content is amazing. There just isn't one post of hers that I haven't read or didn't like. Honestly, it makes me have major blog envy that my blog isn't like hers.. oh and did I mention her photography theme is on fleek?


Tara's blog is so awesome, she's not afraid to blog about anything which is really cool and gives her blog something different, from feminism to sex, she writes about the things people don't really want to and that's why I love her blog. There's such variety to her posts, which is why I chose her to be on this list. <3

So that's my top 5 for this week! I'm so happy to of shared the love with you guys and confess my favourite bloggers at the moment, you should check them out and I'm going to play the sims.. tehe.

Thanks for reading as always,

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