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Thursday, 26 February 2015

Thoughts // Hitting the wall

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Its been a long time since I've actually written anything, although I have been meaning to, but I guess I'm at the dreaded blogger place of hitting the 'blogger's block' or as I like to think, I've hit the wall. Not just in writing but also just generally in my life at the moment and I feel as though I'm about to start the dreaded cycle that comes after hitting the wall, being a lazy slob.

My life isn't particularly exciting like other fancy, successful bloggers. I live in a rubbish looking student house, which currently has all of my washing piled outside my bedroom - glamorous I know.. my cooking looks like beans on toast with a side of noodles and I'm pretty sure that my bedroom has mould growing behind my desk. (hardly instagram worthy)

So I get it, it's easy to become disheartened with the amount of effort you put into something to only look at someone else's and think, 'what's the point.' but the thing is, it's not REAL.

It really frustrates me how the blogging world is stuck in this perfect blogger phase and it's so saturated now, nobody can really get a foot in the door anywhere.
I feel as though I've taken a whole step back from the reasoning of why I blog and it's just so obvious to me now.

SURE my life is pretty shitty looking.. I'm currently writing this in some scraggy weird PJ dress and a smelly jumper (which I probably should wash at some point) but does that make me any lesser of a blogger than someone else? (because I'm sure they do it too)

I write because I love writing. & now I tend to follow people who's lives I find interesting.. and well normal. I'm loving bloggers at the moment who are themselves, and I guess that's what I'm aspiring to be.

I am really excited to get up and blogging again and not think about 'oh god what am I going to post next, I'm trying to stay motivated and I'm just gunna let it flow and see what happens!

*you can do it!* :)

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